Hey guys, quick question:
One of the guys I’m collaborating with on a track cannot find Reaktor 5 when he opens up Ableton 8. It just isn’t there in the VST panel. He did a reinstall of it and made sure he checked install VST and it still isn’t working.
He can get the standalone to work just fine though so I’m guessing this is an interface issue. Any solutions?
I think he’s got Vista.
could be that reaktor isn’t installing to the custom vst folder selected by ableton. make sure the vst is in that folder
Sorry, should’ve mentioned that in the first post.
Yeah he’s got the right location set up and the .dll file even shows up there when you open the folder through Vista. Nothing appears in Ableton though even though he’s got Reaktor5FX.dll, Reaktor5FX2x8.dll, Reaktor5 Surround.dll, and Reaktor5.dll itself all there.
Native Instruments has no subfolder in the VSTPlugins folder itself because he’s got Absynth and FM 8 in VSTPlugins directly and they both work fine.
I’m at a loss.
Is vista 64bit? Reaktor 64bit?
Vista 32 and all I know is that after looking at all the pdf documentation he said it was from 2005 and that the only known issues are that it won’t run on Win98 and Logic 5 for the PC version.
Like I said, all the other NI stuff works just fine in his Ableton but not this.