Im new to the site and want to buy a subscription but Im finding it difficult to see a solid structure for the tutorials (where to start and how to proceed through them)br
Obviously I can see there are 3 sections beginner,intermediate and advanced but it is difficult to know where to start in each of these other than the obvious first tutorial in the beginner section (ableton intro)br
Really what Im looking for is someone to say start here and then go here to here to here etc etc Im better at folliwing a set structure than guessing my way through where I think I should go next…br
Cheers and great forum!
hey dude br
the way I did it was just look for the tutes that dealt with similar genres to myself.br
I like house so I looked at the tech disco one which lead me to the disco loops. I looked at the early 90s one which opened me up to the deep house ones and then eventually thought I need some theory so checked those ones out. br
The videos are labelled advanced, intermediate etc but I find that just mean theres more info. its a video so just rewind until it sinks in.br
I get what you mean with a structure but just dive right in, if you like a style then give it a whirl. Thats what I did.br
Maybe start off with the tutorials specifically geared towards learning the basics of Ableton (Intro to Ableton for example), then choose a course that appeals to you…ie if your into Deep House do that one. The videos go into alot of details and you will find that you pick things up as you go along
Thanks guys I’ll take the advice on board!