Has anybody got any tips for remembering a melody or at least transferring a melody from my head to paper lol
I always seem to come up with melody ideas in the most incovienient places. I can hear a perfect melody in my head but when it matters the most in front of my keyboard i get a complete block.
Im thinking of getting a dictophone to hum into but i will feel like a prat in work lol. I have been seaching for something that i can use on a mobile phone. The one thing i have come across is the Korg Synth for the nintendo ds which could be useful because it will let me put the notes into the sequencer but it is only available in japan and i have just had a bad experience with a japanese company that i really dont want to import now. If anyone has a solution to my problem i will be very grateful.
I cant pick out root notes so i cant really write the notes down.
Help please
Thanks in advance