Remixing Vocals in Live 8

Go easy on me here I am new to Alelton. My Question is how do you go about syncing up vocals. I try to warp dry vocals at the desired BPM however it never seems to work. I play the original track and find myself having to fine tune every 32 bars to get them in sync. Now what about bringing in a’capella vocals to a new BPM, is it a matter of going bar by bar making adjustments. It seems that this is the kind of stuff Live is supposed to do for you. What am i doing wrong. I welcome all comments. Tim


I dont think you are doing anything wrong.

I tried messing with a’capella’s a while back and had to chop them up

in a sampler into little chunks before importing into ableton to fine tune

them further.Quite a lot of messing as i remember.

i think and i could be wrong its all to do with the fact that the a’capella’s aren’t exact to begin with …possibly originally sung to a particular groove. ?

Placed against a rock steady beat they seem to drift quite a bit.

I am sure there must be an easier way but my experience was similar to yours.

Krome, Thanks for the reply, I have been chopping for the past 2 hours and kind of got it to work. I guess I was hoping to just press a few buttons and volia. On another note, is there a ‘nudge’ keyboard short cut? Meaning you can nudge a clip back and forth by X miliseconds. Very handy in Pro Tools. Thanks

I worked it out and here is what I found, maybe it will help someone else.

1.) The first thing I always do when importing clips it to trim silence and normalize. This is because I have been using DAW’s since back when 100MB hard drive was only a dream, so size mattered then.

This was the first mistake. Leave the stems intact.

2.) Bring in all the stems and turn off warping.

3.) Set the desired global BPM and warp from 1.1.1 at the same BPM.

I was trying to line up all of these chopped up clips and warping each clip. It is basically the exact opposite of how I did things pre-Ableton.

4.) Set the new BPM for the Remix. Trim silence and chop all of the bits and pieces, on the beat of course.

5.) Remix knowing that everything is in sync.

The final thought… be careful how you warp. It is a very powerful feature that when used correctly really can save time. However it can also really mess things up.

This might seem like duh… but oh well. Tim

Cheers Tim,

Some really good advice there.

The next time I try an a’capella project i’ll give your method a try.
