ive got a sound and i want it to fade its south out with the tail repeating through out the fade please give a newb some guidence
[quote]shaunjsadler (14/05/2011)[hr]i want it to fade its south out [/quote]
what do you mean south?
lol i meant self
lol thought so, couple of ways to do it, either automate the send to the fx, or automate the fx return volume fader, what DAW you using?
ableton ,but how do i make the tail of the sample repeat out
to do that i would automate the send signal to the fx plugin, so have no signal being sent to the plugin, then just at the bit you want to repeat, automate the the send signal, you with me?
You can do it manually. Record the part you want cut out the start and grab the audio of the tale. You can then add in manually this bit of audio on 1/4 or 1/8 etc You might need to do some fiddeling to get it sounding good, like volume fade ins and outs, reverb, delay etc. You can also take the audio of the tale and put it through one delay. Make it wet and add reverb with a nice decay.
Hope this helps, there may be easier ways to do it but this is the mode hands on and gives you alot of controle over the overall sounds.
You can always just stick a delay on to the channel and automate the on/off so that it turns on at the beginning of the bit you want to delay (ie the tail)?
use the feedback knob on simple delay or if its just the tail of the sound then the release need to be turned up in the synth…
Check out the tutorial on making tech disco, the video with the vocal processing where Phil makes just the last word of the phrase, the “do” bit repeat using clip envelopes to automate the send to the filter delay. Good tut. Hope that helps, hope it’s what you meant aswel
[quote]bangthedj (15/05/2011)[hr]You can always just stick a delay on to the channel and automate the on/off so that it turns on at the beginning of the bit you want to delay (ie the tail)?[/quote]
this would be the best way, in my opinion. and you can even record it and use the sample afterwards to save cpu or just build up your samples.
also, in ableton’s delay fx there’s a little button called “freeze” that you can automate to turn on during the part you want to repeat and that way you have your delay fx going throughout the whole part [if that is what you want to happen]
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