Research method tutorial

This isn’t a traditional tutorial request per say, but I thought of something that would be very useful to myself and other subscribers. It would be amazing if we could get a text copy of your research for each genre in the download pack.

1) A brief history of the genre (and your take)
2) A list of songs you listened to for research.
3) The information you extracted (tempo, structure, key etc…)
4) A summary of structure.
5) A more detailed explaination of how and why compression and EQ is used on particular instruments in the genre.
6) What sounds are frequently used etc… 

I know that some aspects are mentioned in the tutorials but I think for those who take a more analytical approach to production it would be extremely helpful and something that could be added to by the user. You could also make a tutorial on research methods so that subscribers have a better idea of where to begin and how to organise their findings into something of use.

Thank you sincerely.