Whats up guys, i thought it would be cool if every sunday we could post classic and future classic tunes to reminisce and show why we love music.
One of my favorite things to do on sundays is go through my old record collection and play old tunes, be it trance , house , breaks, hard house, etc. I puts me into a good mood at sets me up for the coming week and recharges my batteries.
So please post after me if you have tunes you want to share that mean a lot to you, and show why you love music, these tunes do for me
its been a long time since iv heard some of those tracks man…
let me have a look through my stuff
my all time favorite track
on the same vibe
im actually gonna start playing this one again …MEGA CHOON
man i forgot how good vinyl sounds
ok im gonna stop now or i will be up all night
one more haha
good tracks man
Cheers…i could sit here all night flicking through all this old vinyl…id reckon its almost 3 years since iv held a record let alone play one.
Loving the toones on here! Few of my ‘sunday’ tracks.
good tracks sean
a few more:
some classic tribal to finish it off
hope everyone has a relaxing sunday