RoadRunner - Tech House

After a lull due to a creative crisis of confidence he’s back and rocking.

Well, I think so anyway. Hope you enjoy.

Block.Punch - RoadRunner - unsigned by Block.Punch

All comments appreciated as usual. It’s on a private setting so I don’t know if you can comment in the timeline or not.

Was I the only one who hated that obnoxious bird

Oh cool track BTW and comment left - you know where

Poor old Wile E. Coyote never quite got the bird.

I used to feel like that after a night at a club.

Thanks for the comment Paul. I’m happy with this track. Seemed to fall into place…

after about two weeks experimenting with grooves, rhythms, synths, patches, samples etc … swapping them out, liking it, hating it, switching something, being convinced that the new thing was better, switching it back when I realised it wasn’t, then dropping it completely when I decided it was messing the sound up. :wink:

Class - Really enjoyed that.

Great sounds… track went somewhere that I didnt expect - really fkn cool! :cool:

Love the whole groove based on the velocity - really creative :slight_smile:

Thank you both.

I’ve sent it off to some labels I favour. Now to play the waiting game. Of all my tracks, this one does deserve a release I think (hope). Really want to see/hear it played out.

I tweaked it a little with a few more FX. Felt the opening 16 was too sparse without them. Plus added a little in the short middle break.