Roben - Someday

Here you go guys, a prog House track from myself, still not 100% happy with it but i think it’s time now to move on to one of my other projects.

Roben - Someday by DJRoben

i like the clean overall sounding! i would try to add some pad sounds i think they would make an improvement in the track.

Already gave you some feedback on soundcloud, but this is a nice piece of work m8!

Thanks guys! Appreciated :slight_smile:

I agree with pazsin. It’s missing the pads that carry the tone of the song. You add them in to create a bit more of a tension/release effect. This will give the listener a bit of ear candy which will keep them entertained

Yeah I think some pads or strings playing some nice chord progressions would be nice. Also the section before your second drop seems to get a bit lost, I think it needs more of a build up, its a bit wishy washy atm…