Roland Juno 6 / 60 / 106

Just wondering if anyone on SA has one of these (or used to have one), what their experiences of them are.

I know Slender had a 106 before he had to pay for a Hitman :wink: :smiley: :cool: 

Possibly might have a touch on a Juno 6 in a few weeks, so would be most excellent to siphon some knowledge.

I’ve read somewhere that the Juno 60 is the one! The best sounding out of that and the 106. But the 60 is pre midi. I think there are some sort if retro fits available for the 60. But the 106 has really good midi implementation and is still a great sounding synth :cool:

A little secret is that the Roland hs60 is basically a 106 in a different crappy looking case/built in speakers, and a lot cheaper. Designed for the home user! So say vintage synth explorer :w00t:

But you provaly already know this :wink: :cool:

Ive had a 6 a 106 and alpha 1 (digitaly controlled juno)

Never really used them much… Midi was bad on the 106 and alpha and non existent on the 6.

Filters where ok and the square osc is pretty classic but i didnt find much oportuninty to fit them in to tracks.

Yeah agree the midi was pretty useless - if it was me I would go for the 60 and add a cv/gate

Do the sliders not transmit the midi very well? I’ve got the mks50 and pg300 and sometimes the sound/filter will move in steps and not smoothly!

Cheers Lads :slight_smile:

[quote]Mussi81 (18/09/2011)[hr]Do the sliders not transmit the midi very well? I’ve got the mks50 and pg300 and sometimes the sound/filter will move in steps and not smoothly![/quote]

I actually can not remember - but then I would slide on the fly as it was :cool:

Ive had a dabble on a few but i dont regard the classic juno sound very highly. You would be better of getting a Nord 2 rack…

[quote]phil johnston (18/09/2011)[hr]Ive had a 6 a 106 and alpha 1 (digitaly controlled juno)

Never really used them much… Midi was bad on the 106 and alpha and non existent on the 6.

Filters where ok and the square osc is pretty classic but i didnt find much oportuninty to fit them in to tracks.[/quote]

Out if interest Phil, what were your favourite hardware synths?

Jeez, theres lots of cool stuff on Ebay… Wish I had all the money in the world :smiley:

[quote]ICN (21/09/2011)[hr]Jeez, theres lots of cool stuff on Ebay… Wish I had all the money in the world :D[/quote]

Yeah been thinking that myself - especially when pay day is round the corner

Oh sorry ICN - Payday is what people look forward to when they actually work for a living

I’ve been outbid on 2 fkn stoopid things. Just as well - My Missus would have killed me :slight_smile:

I’ve currently got 70 saved searches on eBay lol

Oh and it was me that outbid ya icn:hehe:

I’ll tell you what I got after I win it. Its stoopid as fk - but brilliant! LOL