S(M)exoscope - Waveform visualisation plugin

s(M)exoscope - Waveform visualisation pluginbr
link —— http://bram.smartelectronix.com/plugins.php?id=4br
Does any one know how to get this good free plug in to work using live 9 on a mac OS X 10.8.3 AU version or does any one know about a good free alternative or can recommend a waveform visualisation plugin to buy for a mac. please zzz br

It works on logic! Dont know if Ableton supports AU plugins. If not just check for the vst version

VTS version does not work on mac and people on the net have been saying use the au version for live but it does not work with 9

I found a FREE top 1 called Oszillos Mega Scope br
link —- Oszillos Mega Scope - The Best VST Oscilloscope
you have to sign up and then you are sent a download link. br
object width=“420” height="315"param name=“movie” value=“Using Oszillos Mega Scope for side cain compression with Ableton Live - YouTube”/paramparam name=“allowFullScreen” value=“true”/paramparam name=“allowscriptaccess” value=“always”/paramembed src=“Using Oszillos Mega Scope for side cain compression with Ableton Live - YouTube” type=“application/x-shockwave-flash” width=“420” height=“315” allowscriptaccess=“always” allowfullscreen=“true”/embed/object