I was thinking it would be a nice idea to have random SA user tracks that have been uploaded onto the website playing in the background when you have logged in. There could be a dialogue box giving the name of the artist and track title, and perhaps even a ratings box to leave a score out of five for. Of course, there would need to be a switch off/mute button as well! And thinking about it, an option on your user account page to have this automatically muted if the different tracks start to grate.
This way, tracks of uploaders could be listened to by a wider audience, and have more feedback left about them. Or might this whole idea be a bit much?
this is an interesting idea, but it may be hard to implement.
will make a note for the website redevelopment
would it be easier to have a juke box to the side of the screen playing the tracks, something as simple as the one on trackitdown would be perfect
Good idea Jon - I think that would be much more simpler than my convoluted idea!
EDIT - Having said that, it would be nice if there could be some way to leave feedback if you wanted to. I think it would really help people who have taken the time to upload a track onto the site. Maybe this could be built into the jukebox idea?
Really good and useful idea. I say impliment.
I likes it!