Scales and Modes tutorial file is deauthorizing Ableton?

When I downloaded the tutorial file here:

Music Theory Scales And Modes in Electronic Dance Music | Tutorial 1 - Circle of Fifths

unzipped and expanded the template and then load the SA Scale Temple.als file, I get a pop up telling me that:

This Set contains features that are limited or unavailable in Live 8. Details: The Analog instrument is not available. You can use this Live set, but you will not be able to save any changes.

If I continue and load the set, it de-authorizes my fully licensed Live 8 install and I have to go back to Ableton and re-authorize it! At that point I need to create a new Live set to re-enable saving and exporting. This is a bit bizarre, appears the tutorial was created using this instrument which is not part of the normal Live 8 license, and would require me to purchase it. Is there any way to get around this? Since I can’t save the file, there’s no way to change it to use another sound source and save it that way. Can anyone help? I would think a simple piano sound would work best for this anyhow.

Try the Attached file… ive swapped out analog for simpler.

My research into the issue led me to realize that Live Suite might be worth a go, as so far the only VST synth I have is Ana. So, I’ve upgraded :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the very fast response though!