Secrets of House Revealed!

Hey everyone, I was just putzing around the web and came across a gem. In 9 days, Sample Magic is releasing a book entitled The Secrets of House Music Production. Here is a c/p from the website…

The biggest name in dance sample libraries

brings you the essential guide to producing

cutting-edge house music.

After four years producing award-winning sample collections, Sample Magic share the secrets of house music production in this 144-page full-colour book packed with hundreds of walkthroughs, hints, tips and insights from some of the biggest names in the industry.

All parts of the production process are covered, including: making beats, drum sounds, basslines, structure, instrumentals, FX, mixing, vocals, mastering, remixes, programming ideas and more. Every style of house is covered, from minimal to tribal, electro to progressive, soulful to jackin’.

In-depth tutorials reveal the tricks of the pros, with step-by-step tutorials using Logic, Cubase and Ableton. A bonus CD includes 500+MB of exclusive samples to get you started. Written by Marc Adamo (DJ Magazine, Future Music) with contributions from Wolfgang Gartner, Way Out West, Sharooz and a foreword by Mark Knight, this is the first time the secrets of house music have ever been fully revealed.


You bet, I have mine on preorder!


Good find howie!:slight_smile:

Oh Snap!!! I forgot to mention in the footnotes, it said specifically “NO DJ’s NAMED ROBEN ARE ALLOWED TO ORDER.”

Sorry bro…


You know Im just foolin you! You’re my homeboy!

I think the English would call you my Chap, or Mate or something. :wink:

Cheers Howie sounds very interesting.

Btw Don’t go too hard on us brits if it wasn’t for us you yanks would all be speaking German right now :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]krome (12/8/2009)[hr]Cheers Howie sounds very interesting.

Btw Don’t go too hard on us brits if it wasn’t for us you yanks would all be speaking German right now :P[/quote]

LOL! But instead, we all speak Spanish… :crazy:

don’t know about chap or mate, my fav name for you is “Phat ghey howie” which obviously translates to “super cool happy howard” :w00t:

oh yeah good find btw

coooool beanz :smiley:

[quote]jon_fisher (12/8/2009)[hr]don’t know about chap or mate, my fav name for you is “Phat ghey howie” which obviously translates to “super cool happy howard” :w00t:[/quote]

At least I have nicer teeth then you! :w00t:


You got served!

[quote]howiegroove (12/8/2009)[hr][quote]jon_fisher (12/8/2009)[hr]don’t know about chap or mate, my fav name for you is “Phat ghey howie” which obviously translates to “super cool happy howard” :w00t:[/quote]

At least I have nicer teeth then you! :w00t:


You got served![/quote]

yep that sure is a nice tooth you have their howiebob, btw how is your sister i mean wife, mum aunt??? hell i can’t remember what she is too ya :stuck_out_tongue:

speak on ichat later in the week :slight_smile: laters bro

LOL you guys! Haha. What IS it with yanks and their thoughts on british peoples teeth? We have nice teeth. They just arn’t all super fake white and veneered like yanks…they’re REAL. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah…real CRAPPY! :smiley:

But honestly, if you saw Jon’s teeth, you would understand! :wink:

From house to Teeth? you guys are pretty rare.

Just added this to my Xmas list!!! :smiley:

Def gonna get this, good find:)

[quote]howiegroove (12/8/2009)[hr]Yeah…real CRAPPY! :smiley:

But honestly, if you saw Jon’s teeth, you would understand! ;)[/quote]


Speaking of teeth, hows mine? (devil) :wink:

Good effort with your’s man! …  your mates effort looks like he raided his other halfs make up bag :smiley:

lol thanks mate :smiley: