Sending to labels

I’m thinking of sending my new track to some labels… anyone have any tips on doing this?

I hope its good enough and its dosent make me look like a tit!!

What i’m currently doing actually this moment is going through beatport at house labels, checking them out and google searching their website. Then i’m looking at their contact section and usually there is information on how to send the demo to them.

just about to do the same. maybe post a mailing list when we’re done :wink:

send your demos through the mail,2 or 3 songs(i normally do 2),always have 2 additional songs ready to go,if they like one of your songs from your demo they normally ask for you to send another couple to possibly accompany the ep.for some reason what normally ends up happening is they sign the very last 2 you sent and pass on the rest.

should we always send the full track or sample if sending to loads a labels? dont want it ripped off…??

[quote]gofunk (30/07/2010)[hr]should we always send the full track or sample if sending to loads a labels? dont want it ripped off…??[/quote]

See this [url=][/url]

[quote]gofunk (30/07/2010)[hr]should we always send the full track or sample if sending to loads a labels? dont want it ripped off…??[/quote]

always the full song.i would scrap any long sort of “mixbeat” intro though and just send an edit.whenever we go through promos if something doest really grab our attention in the first 15-30 secs,its on to the next have your music up anywhere i can take a listen?

just noticed the links you have up after i posted this.

interesting! just got this:

dear wayne,

i´m andre a head of a&r by ultimate house records & timefusion music. i stop by your soundcloud page and listen “a new horizon” i must say… i like it very well. please send me this song in a full version to:


andre brandstäter

SoundCloud does work!!!


[quote]bobby lupo (30/07/2010)[hr][quote]gofunk (30/07/2010)[hr]should we always send the full track or sample if sending to loads a labels? dont want it ripped off…??[/quote]

always the full song.i would scrap any long sort of “mixbeat” intro though and just send an edit.whenever we go through promos if something doest really grab our attention in the first 15-30 secs,its on to the next have your music up anywhere i can take a listen?

just noticed the links you have up after i posted this.[/quote]

Whats your label bobby??

This is so ***** cool. I love all this chat about labels and stuff. Well done Wayne mate, hopefully your song get’s out there, I liked it.

[quote]saulable (31/07/2010)[hr]This is so ***** cool. I love all this chat about labels and stuff. Well done Wayne mate, hopefully your song get’s out there, I liked it.[/quote]

Thanks mate! Fingures crossed!

Since you’re in edinburgh man and I’m in glasgow, maybe one day when I’m up to your standards we could get together and do something, I dunno.

The thought’s there anyways.


I’m very interested in this i’m in the process of sending tracks over to a few labels that i’m interested in and hoping they get snagged up.

Do you drop tracks to dj’s aswell or to labels first?

I’ve sent out to a few labels last week and so far had 2 responses, even both have said they liked the track, both have also said it doesn’t match their style.

Think i’m going to have to keep trolling through beatport for labels, it’s such a difficult and long process this!

I guess that’s the beauty of finding a label which matches your style, you just end up keep on releasing on the same label?

lads i tink u all will be delighted with this link>>,5812.msg34242/

every major & some minor labels in all types of dance music genres, their info and emails;)

was thinkin of sendin my track to a load of them, but is their a way of sendin an email to a load of labels without them seeing that you hav?

i dont even know if my song is good enough to send, i dont wana waste my time like, do you’s thing this is good enough? honestly…

Nyx (Re-Ediit) by DeanKenny

If you put emails under your ‘BCC’ in your email, then everyone who receives an email can’t see you else you’ve sent the email too.

[quote]roben (02/08/2010)[hr]If you put emails under your ‘BCC’ in your email, then everyone who receives an email can’t see you else you’ve sent the email too.[/quote]

It satands for Blind Carbon Copy if that helps you too remember

The list looks good but I clicked on one and it was dead

ohh i get ye, thanks, yeh that list might be a bit old but its better then going round and looking yourself!!

should i bother sendin that track though?

You don’t know till you try buddy, sounds solid enough :slight_smile:

[quote]saulable (31/07/2010)[hr]Since you’re in edinburgh man and I’m in glasgow, maybe one day when I’m up to your standards we could get together and do something, I dunno.

The thought’s there anyways.


Yeah defo mate, I’ve never had a tune released, only been using ableton for 6 months so well up for producing with peole in the same genre