iframe width=“100%” height=“166” scrolling=“no” frameborder=“no” src=“https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F70880869amp;color=00ffd3amp;auto_play=falseamp;show_artwork=true”/iframebr
Most synths and (obviously) vocals were made from chopped vocals of two of my secretly recorded friends.br
I posted this, my second mix, a few months ago on the subscriber section of the forums, but I completely forgot to post it in the main section for showing your tracks :hehe:br
I received very good feedback and notes there, but I want to hear what you all have to say!br
Hurt me if you have to, but please don’t hurt the penguin. He’s sensitive lol.
I dont know much about this kind of style of Music, but it sounds very funny trashy to me. I can not listen much to that, becouse I would get probably even more mad then I am now . But some how it rocks!