Sheet music to Ableton transcription..?

Ok, 2 separate questions, more important one first:

So, I want to know if there is any easy way, like a plug in or something, to transcribe sheet music into ableton MIDI format. I want to incorporate a 15-20 second clip of the super mario theme song (Super Mario Brothers Sheet Music - Super Mario Brothers Score • into a set that I’m making. I want to make my own version of it using several different custom made sounds via Operator for specific notes, so I can’t just throw it into simpler. I can sort of read sheet music… sort of, but not nearly well enough to translate this into ableton (who knew the super mario bro’s theme song was so elaborate?) What is the easiest/quickest way to get sheet music into ableton format, and, if there isn’t one, can anyone offer me advice as to how to go about doing it manually?

Second question: How do I open the frequency wave spectrum view shown in the synthesis 101 tutorial videos? I can’t figure it out to save my life, and the video doesn’t show how it’s accessed.

Much appreciated, I always get excellent feedback here, thanks you guys!

That any use?

No, you must have mis-read my posting. I have the sheet music, I even posted the link to it, I also have the audio file as well. I need to know if there is an easy way to get the music from sheet form into ableton “clip view” format, so that I can take apart the track and assign certain notes to different instruments, instead of the whole score being played on one instrument.

I havnt miss read your comment… But i have offered a different alternative. You can drop the .mid files from that site directly in to ableton… No need to convert your notation.

ok, thank you, and forgive me for being naive. I’m only aware of -maybe- 10% of ableton’s capabilities, how would I go about doing this?

Also, for future reference, is there any easy way to transcribe sheet music if say I want to use something that I can’t find a MIDI format for? (I’m planning on doing a dance cover of a sheryl crow song in the near future)

Lastly, I didn’t get an answer for my second question, which is how do i open the frequency spectrum view shown in the synthesis 101 tutorial? I believe you actually made that tutorial-- thanks for that, all of your video’s are super helpful :slight_smile:

Hope this helps…

JAMIE YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Hahaha! The fact that you made me a video for it actually made me laugh so hard I almost fell out of my chair, as you’ve experienced my learning disabilities first hand-- sorry for being difficult to teach and THANK YOU so much for your patience and holding my hand through this!

Last thing-- How do I open the frequency range spectrum view as shown in the synthesis 101 tutorial?

Thanks so much you guys!

It’s probably the little arrow on the top of a “spectrum” plug that opens the big display. I think that’s what you mean possibly…


[quote]Tisdale (29/07/2011)[hr]JAMIE YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Hahaha! The fact that you made me a video for it actually made me laugh so hard I almost fell out of my chair, as you’ve experienced my learning disabilities first hand-- sorry for being difficult to teach and THANK YOU so much for your patience and holding my hand through this!

Last thing-- How do I open the frequency range spectrum view as shown in the synthesis 101 tutorial?

Thanks so much you guys!


Yessss! Beautiful, I would be so lost without this website.


Wrong thread! :stuck_out_tongue:

Apologies :smiley: