Shepards Tone

Ok before anyone comes back with youtube links or etc on how to do it, don’t bother, I know how to do it and create one, I don’t need to see your links.

I’m just thinking that to add to Sonic’s fantastic database of cool tutorials, I think a bite size on the Shepards Tone would be really good, after all, why should Sonic’s members have to use Youtube when all the resource is here on this site.

[quote]roben (07/07/2010)[hr]Ok before anyone comes back with youtube links or etc on how to do it, don’t bother, I know how to do it and create one, I don’t need to see your links.

I’m just thinking that to add to Sonic’s fantastic database of cool tutorials, I think a bite size on the Shepards Tone would be really good, after all, why should Sonic’s members have to use Youtube when all the resource is here on this site.[/quote]

+1 for the bite size.

If anyone does have any links, I’d like to see them btw… :cool:

Have made a couple of pretty cool sounding things following tuts in the past, but nothing “Air-Raid Apocalypse” - like.

[quote]roben (07/07/2010)[hr]Ok before anyone comes back with youtube links or etc on how to do it, don’t bother, I know how to do it and create one, I don’t need to see your links.

I’m just thinking that to add to Sonic’s fantastic database of cool tutorials, I think a bite size on the Shepards Tone would be really good, after all, why should Sonic’s members have to use Youtube when all the resource is here on this site.[/quote]


…and how to use it in productions

[quote]ICN (07/07/2010)[hr][quote]roben (07/07/2010)[hr]Ok before anyone comes back with youtube links or etc on how to do it, don’t bother, I know how to do it and create one, I don’t need to see your links.

I’m just thinking that to add to Sonic’s fantastic database of cool tutorials, I think a bite size on the Shepards Tone would be really good, after all, why should Sonic’s members have to use Youtube when all the resource is here on this site.[/quote]

+1 for the bite size.

If anyone does have any links, I’d like to see them btw… :cool:

Have made a couple of pretty cool sounding things following tuts in the past, but nothing “Air-Raid Apocalypse” - like.[/quote]

I won’t link because I’m not sure on SA’s rules regarding YouTube, I know they don’t like links to rival websites but as this tutorial is from Tom Cosm (rival website) but on youtube, it’s a touchy one. Try doing a search on YT for: "Creating A Shepard’s Tone Using Ableton Live Part 1 "

Someones commented on the Youtube video saying:

"You get an ascending sinetone.

You can make ascending and descending by simply looping once and then reverse the

second part of the wave.Then phase invert the second wave.

Drop a fowel filter stage 3 on it so you get a filtered fowel.

Use chebyshev disortion stage 3 filter so it sounds more natural.

Duplicate the tone 2 times.

Reduce each by log₂ 3×3 = 4,754887502 dB

Pitch down to [-7, -1 or other ]semitones the 2nd and 3rd channel so you get your chords.

Normalize the results. "

All that sounds like jargon to me lol. Any technical buffs here know what this guy is on about and can explain in laymans? :smiley:

I understand Tom’s way of doing things, but this seems another way of doing it and i’d like to know :slight_smile:

Clearly bit size tuts are the way forward.

mda have a shepherd tone generator - but a warning you should turn down your amp/speakers intially as i nearly blew my eardrums when i first tried it out as it intial settings are FAR too loud :exclamationmark:

I made some fun fx but stil not used it on any track

will check this out when i get home

tom cosm’s stuff tends to produce some pretty good vids