Should i do it

So i was working in the shop today and some guy walks in to buy a pack of cigs and we just start talking generally. It turns out this guy is one of the biggest porn producers in Holland lol.

He started going on about the fact that i still looked quite young and hed love to put my in a film where i have to **** a bunch of mother in laws lol.

He gave me his card and im thinking about it lol… just thought it was a pretty funny occurence to be shared lol…

Just be sure he said mother in law, not father in law!

but to do porn you need to have a big ****

More too the point make sure he did not say your mother

nonono i heard everything he said…

do i really wanna **** some horny old woman tho…

[quote]jjdejong0 (15/07/2011)[hr]nonono i heard everything he said…

do i really wanna **** some horny old woman tho…[/quote]


been there :wink:

So have i, its actually right up my alley :frowning:

Jan you have to do it. We’re not on this planet long enough to turn down opportunities that come our way.

I can see the headlines now

“Jan the Schlong starring in Granbangers Vol. 4”


[quote]jonsloan (15/07/2011)[hr]Jan you have to do it. We’re not on this planet long enough to turn down opportunities that come our way.


Your only saying that cause you want to see Jan naked

Lol thats the thing tho once its on tape and out there thats it lol no going back…

[quote]jjdejong0 (15/07/2011)[hr]Lol thats the thing tho once its on tape and out there thats it lol no going back…[/quote]

Right i have thought (hard ) about this, porn name jan de long starring in the major motion pic … jan de long fcuks your mom … … hey jan you could even do the sound track

and call it revenge cheesy bellend !!!:smiley:

sorry dude :D!!

Do it man!

Dont forget to stick a Utility on your D!ck :smiley:

oh and pan one ball left and one ball right for extra width :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]jonsloan (15/07/2011)[hr]oh and pan one ball left and one ball right for extra width :P[/quote]

So Jan, have you got the clap yet?

Im gonna have to give it a miss unless they let me wear a mask…

[quote]jjdejong0 (17/07/2011)[hr]Im gonna have to give it a miss unless they let me wear a mask…[/quote]

Sounds like my kinda porn :wink:

[quote]slender (15/07/2011)[hr][quote]jonsloan (15/07/2011)[hr]oh and pan one ball left and one ball right for extra width :P[/quote]



couldn’t stop laughin lol

cheers fellas and I still think you should do it Jan. Never have regrets man. We only get one life. :wink:

[quote]jonsloan (18/07/2011)[hr]cheers fellas and I still think you should do it Jan. Never have regrets man. We only get one life. ;)[/quote]

Yeah and he only has one cock which could fall off :stuck_out_tongue: