Should we post the Tracks that we learn in the Tutorials?

Hi everyone .

I was thinking about and IDEA that i have. i think that many people wants their track reviewed and maybe get some constructive Criticism.

i was thinking that we can post whatever we learned in a tutorial for example and be able to discuss about it . only the people who submit Tracks would be able to post, discuss and obviously get their track reviewed .maybe SA can give us a Hand to Moderate that Topic. or Poll

just an Idea since i was working today in the Dub step Tutorial and i Actually programmed other variation of the Bass Sound for Dub step tutorial .I think it sounds ok

but i would like to hear other tracks that other people did following the tutorials . we can discuss more about programming and mixing since the Audio example will be posted there

I was thinking about this today as well.

I’ve been working on the tech trance tutorial. At first I just followed the tutorial…

But now I have been going back through the track and changing sounds to try and make it my own. Mostly this is just for experimenting with synths, sounds & filters… but it has been a big help to me to play around with 2 versions and see how the tutorial can help me when I am building a track from scratch.

I definately am kicking in a vote for this! :smiley:

Glad to hear that man ! it would be nice to hear the Idea of your tracks or the complete track for refference

yeah I am trying to get it a bit more complete before I post it up for review.

im hoping after the weekend that I will be closer to the goal.

awesome ! yeah i probably going to post the Dub step Tutorial that i was working on today or tomorrow .

this is the tutorial that i made from the Dub step .