Ok this is so shameless - I just got my new MIDI keyboard so I figured now was a good time to start another one of these “show us yer studio threads”, so people can brag about who’s c*ck is the biggest. I’ll start:
Next step is acoustic treatment in my room and decent speaker stands. That an I’m going to make a little vocal area in my room to see if I can get me in some local singing talent.
Looking sweet dude. Can I ask, where did you get the furniture from? The desk
Can’t seem to find something that fits the bill but they look great!
Desk is from The Brick in Canada (www.thebrick.ca). It cost quite a bit but looks ace. It’s a pretty wank desk though. The wood veneer on it comes off if you shout at it, let alone knock it with something. I even pulled a bit off with some sticky tape by mistake the other day. Damn thing creaks too, but at least it looks sleek
Cool, I do like it a lot Just trying to keep my options open when buying something as I want something that is going to last and will look good for some years to come. Not just a 5 minute job.
Looks cool - and yeah the desks are nice
what mixer is that ?
Allen and Heath Zed 14. Not a fan of it really, although it’s handy to plug lots of things into. I just need lots of things now
One awesome thing it does is allows you to use the send and return to push stuff to your PC. I often plug my electric guitar into one of the channels and pipe the output to Guitar Rig, put a bunch of effects on it and route it back to my board. Saves me buying a million different pedals etc.
this is me.
if I had to say 1 thing was the most crucial thing in my studio…
it would probably have to be the mandolin leaning against the wall.
check here mate: [url=http://forums.sonicacademy.com/Topic8695-8-1.aspx]http://forums.sonicacademy.com/Topic8695-8-1.aspx[/url]
heres mine:
Hey Wayne it looks like you have some dead alien under your decks - wtf is it
?? where? I dont see anything?
do u mean the box of wires?
Ah thats it - I thought you were doing some wierd expeiments