Hey guys, one of my first tracks with vocals, let me know how i did, what could be improved or if u just like it lemme know
Hi Josh mate, hope all’s good with you dude?
Okay, just had a listen to your track. I’m liking the drum loops and the retro stabs. I reckon the piano is a little loud though. Maybe look at filtering out some of the top and bottom end or just lowering the volume?
I like the breakdown, its nice and melodic. Although the claps coming in are a little loud and seem to over power the rest of the mix, making everything sound separate from each other.
The vocal is sitting too far back for me and I reckon it would have more punch if you brought it to the front more?
It’s a really nice arrangement though Josh. I’m loving the complextro part but it sounds totally different from the track. Maybe if you chopped the vocal into it, it might make it gel more with the rest of the track? It depends what you are goin for I guess…
Overall I really like the groove of the tune and its defo got potential to be a quality track. I think you need to look at putting all of the levels down and deciding what parts you want to be the main parts and which parts you want to accompany the track cause at the mo the vocal is lost for me, which is a shame cause I can see that driving the tune along.
I hope you take all of this as constructive. I’d never slate anyone’s music as I know how hard it is to make a tune. I’ve only been producing for about a year so this is just my personal opinion and I cant advise on technical settings im afraid! :crying:
Overall top tune, the EQ just needs tweaking!
thanks a lot man, i really appreciate detailed feedback like that, i gotta work on my room acoustics, and spend more time on the mix, my newer tracks i actually learned to pull all the faders down to -12db because i was running them all hot, i read in the ableton manual that you can up to +60db and not hav distortion, but i didnt realize the problems with that lol, anyways thanks again, Ill look to post some feedback on one of ur tracks soon