messed up and accidentally saved a new default in abletons Operator, now i can’t get it to re-initialise back to the default factory pre-set.
Anyone know how to do it? I’m sure it’s simple and I’m just missing it but can’t find it in the manual or on line, and it’s seriously messing things up.
Who cares about presets… Never use them if you dont have to…
erm, that’s exactly why i want to reset it, as I stupidly overwrote the original default setting that you get with a vanilla operator.
I don’t want to use a preset i want the default one back so i can start witha clean pallette each time.
the initailized patch is just a sine wave with everything turned off and a envelope with zero attack ,full sustain, and a little release. i forget how to do it in the browser window
Tommy thanks i’ll give that a crack… failing that will repairing my library set it back to default you reckon?