Snare Drums in the Mix

Can anybody please advise.

i’m in the middle of producing a track and i’m happy with the volume level of the snares when all the parts are playing. However when i want to add a break down and renove some elemets such as the kick, hats and bass etc the snares become way too load in the mix.

How do you fix this - would i need to automate the volume of the snares to lower it when the other parts aren’t playing? Or is there an easier way - I did read somewhere that people sidechain compress there snare but i’m not sure if this will help.

Look forward to any help you guys can supply.

you could keep all the drum parts playing and just automate a hi-pass and low pass filter to cut the high and low freqs in your break…

you still keep the rhythmical elements but you can control the frequencies to suit.

Cheer Phil i’ll have a mess about.