Some advise with EQing

Ok, so i’m trying to eq a new project and i’m having some issues:blink:

When i play all my parts through their respective channels, it all sounds ok. However, when i bounce to audio (resampling from master) it dont sound that good. why does the mix sound dirrerent when done this way?

cheers guys

what are your export to audio settings?

what DAW are you using?

Mac or PC?

Need a bit more info bro.

I’m using ableton on a lappy, intel core 2 duo T5800 @ 2.00 GHz 3 GB ram

I’m trying to eq a project me and a mate threw together. Problem was he had really bad monitors. When we played the track out, it sounded whack. The bass didnt rally come throught the mix, the treble was too low and the highs were too pearcing.

I have Rokit 6’s in my set up, so i took the track project to sort it out. I deleted the arrangement, and stripped all the sounds back to their bare bones.

When i have the clips playing in the session view, the kick for example, sounds ok. When i bounce down to audio (Open new audio track, resample from the master), there is more low end after the intial attack on the kick. I was just a bit confused as to why this was. I’m recording to .wav to play on another system.

Do you mean you render it out?

Are you rendering with any mastering on me master channel?

i have a basic master strip on the master channel; a compressor, eq eight and a limiter (got thsi from an olav basoski tutorial). I must make it clear i’m not rendering from the export to audio option in the file menu, just bouncing to audio in the session view. is this the same thing?