Some Modular 'How to' From the Mau5

Just found these, Modulars are a bit beyond me at the minute but I still found the video’s interesting. Hopefully there’s someone else who hasn’t seen them yet, enjoy. Howie I think I read somewhere you were getting a modular so if you haven’t seen these you might find them helpful.

Deadmau5 on modular synths and more - part 1 - YouTube

Not the most In-Depth video’s but still worth a watch…

Thanks Martin - same here modular is something I would love to get into one day

No worries mate. Yeah, I think thats the way to go if you want to make your own defining sound. But to be honest I think there’s more of a chance that I’d just blow one up if i got me hands on it.

Just make sure you sample the explosion so not all is lost :stuck_out_tongue:

I think ive seen this before. And yeah, I have one and am expanding it here and there. But its weird to me, that in the beginning he says “dont i have a ***** vco somewhere?”. I know my modular inside and out. Granted, its not as big as his, but he should have some organization method sorted for it. Its like he has all this money and blows it on dope gear and never gets to use it.