Something dark!

[quote]Mussi81 (27/07/2011)[hr][quote]ICN (27/07/2011)[hr]So dooods… I’ve got a mic here - a blue snowball… I dont use it any more.

Now… a lot of you guys have got a lot of help from slender - and he is a good buddy of mine - but I dont mind saying that he’s a integral member of sonic academy.

I therefore propose thatI emotionally blackmail, erm…I bully everyone everyone gives in to giving me $5 for postage & packaging, and I will begin a pyramid scheme send the mic.

At the end, if theres any money left over… I’ll keep it (and buy amodular penis):wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Give a little back doods to your boy… :smiley:

WTFF - I’m channeling again!! :w00t:[/quote]


I believe this scam er I mean scheme has worked in the past :hehe:[/quote]


[quote]Mussi81 (27/07/2011)[hr][quote]ICN (27/07/2011)[hr]So dooods… I’ve got a mic here - a blue snowball… I dont use it any more.

Now… a lot of you guys have got a lot of help from slender - and he is a good buddy of mine - but I dont mind saying that he’s a integral member of sonic academy.

I therefore propose thatI emotionally blackmail, erm…I bully everyone everyone gives in to giving me $5 for postage & packaging, and I will begin a pyramid scheme send the mic.

At the end, if theres any money left over… I’ll keep it (and buy amodular penis):wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Give a little back doods to your boy… :smiley:

WTFF - I’m channeling again!! :w00t:[/quote]


I believe this scam er I mean scheme has worked in the past :hehe:[/quote]

I was only trying to helpful

You lot have all changed :smiley:

And I don’t care

Something something something dark…

<EMBED height=349 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=425 src=Family guy Emperor something something..... - YouTube allowfullscreen=“true” allowscriptaccess=“always”>

Forgot how much I like Family Guy - must start watching again

Fcuk Family Guy - Wheres the music man?! :smiley:

[quote]ICN (27/07/2011)[hr]Fcuk Family Guy - Wheres the music man?! :D[/quote]

Working on it as well you know :smiley:

You have been a bit slack lately slender! :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]Mussi81 (28/07/2011)[hr]You have been a bit slack lately slender! :P[/quote]

Yeah I am living it up bigtime on my royalties brov :stuck_out_tongue:


Would love a HTSL in this style

Nah we want some 80’s house

Dont joke :smiley:

[quote]ICN (07/08/2011)[hr]Dont joke :D[/quote]

I wasn’t

What we need are some of the darker styles, hardcore, gabba, hardstyle etc…

All of this happy techno stuff I think is starting to piss people off…


80’s house

Council House

[quote]ICN (08/08/2011)[hr]Council House[/quote]

Nah som fckrs burnt them all down :stuck_out_tongue:


Whore House

[quote]ICN (08/08/2011)[hr]Ok…

Whore House[/quote]

Nah they’re my second home