Something dark!

Please S.A can you make some darker sounding tutorials? unless I’m mistaken, there doesn’t seem to be any dark sounding tuts. It could be any genre/style of dance music, house, techno, d’n’b or whatever. Although the tracks on here are top class everything is a bit nice :hehe:

This is not a dig just a idea/suggestion as I’m looking to renew my sub for the 3rd year :):cool:

[quote]Mussi81 (26/07/2011)[hr] Although the tracks on here are top class everything is a bit nice :hehe:


Quote of the week :slight_smile:

We should do bets! :smiley:

[quote]ICN (26/07/2011)[hr]We should do bets! :D[/quote]

As if i would bet with an irishman :P:D:hehe::w00t:

Just cos we’d blow ya up if we lost! :smiley:

just make the track in E minor heheh .

[quote]slender (26/07/2011)[hr][quote]ICN (26/07/2011)[hr]We should do bets! :D[/quote]

As if i would bet with an irishman :P:D:hehe::w00t:[/quote]

Could you tell me first so I can record it :wink:

[quote]alinenunez (26/07/2011)[hr]just make the track in E minor heheh .[/quote]

aline has thrown down the gauntlet s.a :wink:

[quote]Mussi81 (26/07/2011)[hr]Please S.A can you make some darker sounding tutorials? :):cool:[/quote]

Totally agree! Let’s get some evil sounding stuff up! :cool:

Anyways what do you mean by dark - its just too vague - if you can post some up and coming techno producers who has done a lot of remixes and recently got his own release on say Juno - I may be able to help - LOL :smiley:

More info is needed Slender than: I use reverbs on sends :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll donate 10quid to Famine Relief in Africa if SA do this tut :slight_smile:

Anyone else?

[quote]ICN (26/07/2011)[hr]I’ll donate 10quid to Famine Relief in Africa if SA do this tut :slight_smile:

Anyone else?[/quote]

your on your own :hehe:

[quote]alinenunez (26/07/2011)[hr]just make the track in E minor heheh .[/quote]

In the Phrygian mode. Make it nice and dark then :wink:

Great opportunity to help our fellow man lads… and a good cause (the tut) :slight_smile:

I don’t mind collecting the donations just to make things easier :smiley:

If someone buys me a decent mike then i could do some vids :smiley:

That seems familiar. Once bitten and all that. :w00t:

So dooods… I’ve got a mic here - a blue snowball… I dont use it any more.

Now… a lot of you guys have got a lot of help from slender - and he is a good buddy of mine - but I dont mind saying that he’s a integral member of sonic academy.

I therefore propose that I emotionally blackmail, erm… I bully everyone everyone gives in to giving me $5 for postage & packaging, and I will begin a pyramid scheme send the mic.

At the end, if theres any money left over… I’ll keep it (and buy a modular penis) ;) :stuck_out_tongue:

Give a little back doods to your boy… :smiley:

WTFF - I’m channeling again!! :w00t:

[quote]ICN (27/07/2011)[hr]So dooods… I’ve got a mic here - a blue snowball… I dont use it any more.

Now… a lot of you guys have got a lot of help from slender - and he is a good buddy of mine - but I dont mind saying that he’s a integral member of sonic academy.

I therefore propose thatI emotionally blackmail, erm…I bully everyone everyone gives in to giving me $5 for postage & packaging, and I will begin a pyramid scheme send the mic.

At the end, if theres any money left over… I’ll keep it (and buy amodular penis):wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Give a little back doods to your boy… :smiley:

WTFF - I’m channeling again!! :w00t:[/quote]


I believe this scam er I mean scheme has worked in the past :hehe: