Something that I think needs to be finished

You like it? Any tips/things I need to work on?

Thanks in advance!

Sounds great!! actually no tips for this, would like to hear the whole song!!

Thanks! Am busy finishing this, but this will be more or less (think more fx and fills) the main break :wink:

Enjoyed this one dude, very nice.

The only thing I can see is that the vocals have a sort of weird double up just before it loops, looks like it was intentional but I dont personally like it.

Secondly the fx’ish thingy that hit just before each piano note I would personally add more reverb to and maybe make it slightly more steamy sounding (add some more white noise just behind it maybe?).

There just personal things I would do, might not be your thing.

Cant wait to hear the full version.

Sounds really nice, so i think the only thing now that is going to make or break this is the arrangement!

Therefore post up a first version of the finished track with the arrangement done, and then i can really give you some good feedback on it!

Sounds really good so far though.

[quote]MistroPain (29/12/2012)[hr]Enjoyed this one dude, very nice.

The only thing I can see is that the vocals have a sort of weird double up just before it loops, looks like it was intentional but I dont personally like it.

Secondly the fx’ish thingy that hit just before each piano note I would personally add more reverb to and maybe make it slightly more steamy sounding (add some more white noise just behind it maybe?).

There just personal things I would do, might not be your thing.

Cant wait to hear the full version.[/quote]

I’d second that opinion. The rough noise hit before the piano stab works rhythmically but I found the freqs a bit too harsh. I’d swap it out for another stab or reverb it or something. Maybe a wooden perc hit, with a lot of reverb and a slight delay?

Got a nice vibe to the sample overall though Daniel.

Thanks all for the feedback. Just noticed this.

Track is more or less finished, but will have another look at the fx (hit on wood) you dislike. Maybe there’s something I can do about the harshness.