Hello there all you inspiring music producers :)br
Im still very fresh and new to music production and logic. But i´ve always had a drive and a passion for making remixes of songs and producing my own music - and i just started out a week ago. So far im very happy with all the feedback and help you get on the SA forums and videos.br
But there´s one thing i can´t figure out, no matter how many endless google/youtube searches i do. My question to anyone out there that has knowledge with this is:br
How do you actually make the perfect remix of a song?br
Ive seen various videos on youtube where people “remix” songs. 99.99% of the videos ive watched put the actual song in logic as a audio file. And add layers of drums/bass etc.br
I mean… its a ok way of starting i guess but… the end result u hear from these mixes are very poor after my opinion. br
I would for example, like to make a remix of “clocks” by coldplay and Alesso´s “Years” and add my own sweeps and music into it. And my question now is: br
Whats the actual best way of doing it, so it both sounds very well and is produced right? Do you have to find the midi files of the chords and the Acapella´s or do you actually just drag the audio file in and move around here and there with drums and bass kits? Also what i read somewhere is that - When you are making a remix you have to hit the same note as the actual song is. Im not completly sure about music theory when it comes to piano, but ive played guitar for several years. And i saw a post on a forum with this dude saying “if you wanna make a remix, you have to hit the same chord/tone as the actual song is made in. So if Coldplay is in this and this note, you have to add your layers into this sections aswell to make it sound perfect”.br
So yeah i get that but… Im very confused cuz there is so many different opinions on this and as a total NOOB like me it confuses even more. So if anyone out there could help me with my problem i would be very thankful. ^^br
Also i just wanna add an PERFECT example of the type of remixes im very struck about:br
Youtube is down for the moment so il link spotify links: br
The song´s are Steve Aoki - Ladi dadibr
and Tommy Trash remix of it. I cant figure out how he makes the song sound completly different from the original version. Im very mindlown by his remix.br
Ladi Dadi - song and lyrics by Steve Aoki, Wynter Gordon | Spotify - Original Version(Steve Aoki)br
Ladi Dadi (feat. Wynter Gordon) - Noisestorm Remix - song and lyrics by Steve Aoki, Wynter Gordon | Spotify - Tommy Trash remixbr
… oh and yeah, im very noob´ish so please no hard flames