I am struggling with the choice of my first electronic drum set. I don’t know should I invest a lot of money at first and go with something like Roland or Yamaha or try some cheaper drum sets like from Alessis…
I read on various places like here http://www.musicalien.net/best-electronic-drum-set/ that the beginners could go with the cheaper things but still I am afraid about the loss of quality…
I want to have the quality electronic drum set but I don’t want to spend a lot of my money. I know that sounds insane but still… Any ideas? What are your thoughts?
I am not a professional but it doesn’t matter. Maybe I will try drumming as a serious thing in the future if I manage to get it right so what if I get something cheap and that ends up costing me way more in the future.
How are you approaching the entire price and quality dilemma when building your studio needed equipment?