Sonic Feature - JP8K Preset Pack Overview / 1909

JP8K Preset Pack Overview

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With the launch of our new JP8K Preset Pack for ANA 2, Protoculture showcases an epic demo track and some of the sounds you can expect to find in this awesome pack!

Check it out and get the new pack here!

You really showed off the awesome sounds with some in depth details/functions/macros that would otherwise go unnoticed. THANK YOU!!!

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@Protoculture and @chris_agnelli

Hey there guys, have received request at support asking about the Kick used in the video.

Although the drums are from a 3rd party Sample Pack, is the KICK from KICK 2 or KICK 3 and if yes what’s the preset that was used or could you maybe share the KICK Preset then ?

Cheers ! :sunglasses:


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That’s great. Where can I get more skins like that.

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This is the only official additional skin for ANA 2 at this point.

You might find other 3rd party skins on the Internet or on the forums if you search for “ANA 2 Skins” but not sure they will work since there were new modules added to ANA 2 user interface since those other custom skins were made ( and also not sure if the links are still alive ).