So I’ve noticed that almost all of my sound cloud or bandcamp uploads have painful clicks and pops when I upload a mastered version, the wav / flac / mp3’s I encode locally seem to sound fine.
This has lead me to believe I must be doing my mastering process totally wrong. Currently I mixdown to 24 bit 44khz wav with about 3 db of headroom and no clipping.
Then I take that and “master” it, using an L2 as the last item in my chain, I set dither to type 1 and sound shaping to normal with quantize to 16 bits with the level set to -.3 db to be safe and about 2 - 3 db of gain reduction with a few spikes around 5 - 6 db. Then I render from ableton as 44khz / 16 bit.
For some reason whenever these are encoded on sites like bandcamp or soundcloud they tend to have painful clips and pops and other artificacts… Can anyone spot what I’m doing wrong here?
try a test one that peaks at -2db see if it makes any difference