Standardized clip colouring

As I enter my varsity year with Sonic Academy, I am looking to improve some work habits. I decided I am going to use the same colours (as much as possible) for clip identification. My first question is:br
Is there such a thing as standard colours for sound / clip identification?br
If the answering is no, then I propose this :br
red - rif (guitar, horn, whatever)br
green - percussion (groove elements)br
blue - basslinebr
cyan - vocals (c is for choir - voices or samples)br
magenta -melody ( pads or a lead perhaps)br
yellow - special effects br
key (black) - kickbr
white- whitenoise soundsbr
and for the indecisive -orange - questionable sound clip -may deletebr
If everyone used near identical colours, handing your work over to someone, or just following another project would save you a few minutes in either recolouring - or just figuring what sound is what. br
I realize this list is flawed in that not every sound corresponds with a letter, or if I missed a sound rightful of its own category, suggestions are welcome.