I don’t put anything on the master, I try and get everything sitting and sounding how I want it to when doing the mixdown.
[quote]BoneIDOL (31/10/2010)[hr]I don’t put anything on the master, I try and get everything sitting and sounding how I want it to when doing the mixdown.[/quote]
Ohh kit envy. :w00t:
LOOK at all that lovely kit you’ve got there.
[quote]jonsloan (31/10/2010)[hr][quote]BoneIDOL (31/10/2010)[hr]I don’t put anything on the master, I try and get everything sitting and sounding how I want it to when doing the mixdown.[/quote]
Ohh kit envy. :w00t:
LOOK at all that lovely kit you’ve got there.[/quote]
Cheers dude, to be honest I only seem to use the virus and the postit note pad…lol
10 producer=10 different opinions!
it’s probably best to try it both ways, do one mix down (or track) with master chain and than one without
I personally like working with com+vintage warmer (no doing much, mix knob very low)+limiter on, to start with. Than add EQ, spatial effects, etc
Ive heard mixdowns that sound louder then masters.
People too often rely on mastering to ‘fix’ their track.
Your track should sound good before it’s mastered.
People confuse mastering with putting compressor on the master
Technically tho anything you do that effects the master falls under mastering. So even putting just a compressor or just a EQ is masteringof some sort. Also another tip if you want to get into mastering and all the ins and outs then i reccomend the book mastering audio by bob katz. The only thing i dont fully agree with is his oppinion on the loudness war. You see he is all about preserving dynamics and sacrificing loudness for this. Now this might be all well and good in like the pop world or the rock/live band setting but tbh in dance music mastering becomes a real part of the creative process and loudness usually wins.
this is what i was getting at guys!!! just wanted to know what who puts on were!!
thanks for the info though.
but ppl do put things on the master so i was just wondering!!
[quote]Roben (31/10/2010)[hr]People too often rely on mastering to ‘fix’ their track.
Your track should sound good before it’s mastered.[/quote]
nobody is talking about mastering we are talking about putting something on the master bus.
i usually have compressor, eq, and limiter on.