could you guys give me a few examples of the plug you put on the master???
if any???
i know a limiter is a good one for starters!!! anything else???
oohhh and why you have these things on!!!
like phil has a few things on his master in the new mnl tech tut, and i’d like to know
why they are there
thanks in advance guys
If I am doing very crude mastering, very crude, I stick an EQ on the Master and boost around 1kHz and 10k something like that. Just those two sweet spots, but only to get an idea of how it might sound.
I know some people like Sonic Maximizer by BBE too, which basically does the same as the above with a limiter (but does it better).
if yhour mix down is done real well it shouldn’t need too much doing anyway imo.
how about just not putting anything on the master?
…or that ^^^
Which is what I was getting at with the mix down comment.
[quote]howiegroove (30/10/2010)[hr]how about just not putting anything on the master?[/quote
that would be the best way anyways.heheh
asking questions theses days are starting to get pointless
Mate i think its because these questions have been asked so much that people are starting to get fed up answering lol. Search the music tech discussion for mastering theres a massive post i made explaining what i have on my mastering chain and why i use them and the order i use them in.
cheers mate
[quote]jjdejong0 (30/10/2010)[hr]Mate i think its because these questions have been asked so much that people are starting to get fed up answering lol. Search the music tech discussion for mastering theres a massive post i made explaining what i have on my mastering chain and why i use them and the order i use them in.[/quote]
Absolutely correct. People never use the search feature. You know, it isnt the best, but it works and it would filter alot of the same questions over and over. Also, we live in a world of instant gratification. 10-15 years ago, all you had was your gear and a manual. You learned by reading the manual and practice. So yes, many of us get a little annoyed about answering the same quesitons over and over, but sometimes its good to rekindle a good old discussion. If you search through and in the post, something hasnt been covered, just ask away. But these questions have been covered alot. Hopefully the senior guys have been helpful in the newer guys development.
I just put a little bit of EQ for the mid hi - hi end range for a nice crisp clean sound. I think its best to get each track sounding good and mixing in well rather then mess around with the master…
I have added a little sonalksis stereo tools to widen it a little bit and low band eq to phatten the bass in the past, no harm. Just dont over do it. I still think your best to work on each track however but I like everything to sound top quality while I’m working and something this helps me. But I turn them off and on to compare so as to ensure the tracks sound good. if that makes sense!
I do use a masterchain if I’m doing a little mastering but thats a completely different story
[quote]howiegroove (30/10/2010)[hr]how about just not putting anything on the master?[/quote]
But i would suggest a really soft compressor with slow attack and slow release and a low ratio (try abletons ‘mix gel’). It’s only really to gel your sounds together but not drasticly change it.
[quote]Roben (30/10/2010)[hr][quote]howiegroove (30/10/2010)[hr]how about just not putting anything on the master?[/quote]
But i would suggest a really soft compressor with slow attack and slow release and a low ratio (try abletons ‘mix gel’). It’s only really to gel your sounds together but not drasticly change it.[/quote]
so you do put something on???
how about this for a suggestion guys…
when some1 new, or new-ish, posts a thread that has already been discussed in the past. ( bearing in mind that that person doesnt know whether its been discussed or not ) then why not let others discuss it with freely without gettin stressed or annoyed???
in stead of gettin sarcasm from the ppl who have been here for like 500 years???
simples though isnt it???
seems like everytime i wanna get a bit of insight from some1 ya get sarcasm back!!!
thanks to the ppl that actually let me in on what they do put on the master!!!
Mate might i also suggest T-racks 3. It has everything you need when mastering in one package it even has all the meters you would ever need AND comes with awesome presets! Also you can check the t racks website and youtube for some cool instructional videos.
Look, everyone gets all into this subject, especially when they’re just starting out, i remember doing it myself, but the thing is when you’re new to producing you really shouldn’t be worrying about what goes in your master just yet.
Thing is, you pretty much have to take everything off your master anyways when you send it out to a mastering engineer anyways.
The reason producers do put something in their mastering chain is just to get the level of their track right, fix any peaking issues and basically gel the sounds together, all so they can either play it at one of their gigs and / or send it to labels / friends / wherever.
Sounds a bit like a contradiction but it’s not really something anyone should really be thinking about unless they’re a mastering engineer.
If a track needs lots of mastering then the track probably isn’t well produced yet.
I don’t really believe there is a set in stone rule about if you should or shouldn’t put anything on the master, personally i always read that you should never put anything on the master bus but i read these in books that are generally using rock & pop as examples. when you get the chance to talk to other producers in Dance you’ll get very mixed opinions.
you can put something on the master for effect if you like, Gain Pumping and Glueing are two different reasons to put a compressor on the master.
Eq’s can be used for boosting, cutting or filtering as either an effected or an essential tool on the master.
If you need it then use it but if you don’t then don’t use it. and if you don’t know why you are using it then don’t use it.
I usually have an EQ, a PSP Vintage Warmer & a Logic Stereo Spread Plug.
I shuffle through the Presets on the VW till I hear something that isnt too mega. I then turn the mix to 50% and adjust it up until I hear what I like. Might adjust the EQ a little. I’ll then raise the gain a bit.
The Stereo Spread is spreading the higher frequnecies of the track… gently / gradually from 500hz up.
I also have a Voxengo Span at the end.
the only thing i ever put on my master is a limiter to bring up the volume and to get an idea what it will sound like when it is finished being mastered. Thats why alot of producers that play out do if they want to test something in the club. Other then that I never put anyhting on the master. Why should you, youre just taking away CPU from your project, and when you are running 70 tracks in a project, you need all the CPU you can get.
Anyway… Its a personal choice. No need for the Conscience Police just yet
If your computer can handle it: Keep it on. Put on whatever you like.
If it cant: A/B it every now & then. Limit the 3rd party sh!t &/or bounce stuff, to save on the active plugs.