String Synth

good string synth is cool but very difficult to find, sometimes the sound quality can be s@#t .

anyone can recommend a good solid string synth with a scary sound quality?

Logic Pro - Apple

if you can’t get all the string and pad sounds you want out of these then you really aint looking for a string or pad lol

the gforce look nice, are you satisfied with it? is it easy to use? what about the sound quality?

sorry 4 the many questions:w00t:

yeah i was happy with it but dropped it a while back when i upgraded to intel mac and they didn’t support it, wish i had waited now. the sound quality is great and possibly the best you’ll get on a strings machine (software wise)

Jon do you still have a copy of that gforce vsm??

no mate i sold it. but will be buying it again very soon. need to sell some other plug-ins first get some cash together lol