Sub bass clicks?

Hey im trying to make a sub bass for my bassline, but the problem Im having is clicks at the start of the notes I know people will say have you increased the attack or release, which I have done but to get rid of the clicks there is nearly no note left for it to play if I have the attack that far up.

The track im working on is an electro track and the bassline mainly alternates between octaves, I also tried just having the sub bass play one note but still no luck.

So I guess I’m really just wondering how anyone else goes about layering electro basslines and dealing with the clicks in the sub?

Thanks for any help

What key(s) are you playing with the bass and in what frequency is (are) it (they)?

You could try to have a bar with one single long note. Bounce it to audio and either automate the parts out that need to be (on the kick) or give it a heavy sidechain.