Such bad news for the UK

Tory are in power :frowning:

Your thoughts?

I was actually wondering whether it’s going to turn into another decade of riots and yuppies!?

Well the only good thing that may come out of it is that the New Labour experiment has come to an end. Hopefully we can have a labour party that actually supports working people

Voted Lib Dem - Seems ironic labour weren’t prepared to compromise. Clegg needs to represent - keep a reasonable pan balance.

At least in Cameron you’ll have 2 good eyes on the Job.


its time for a change. labour had 13 years to get the country going. they did it. at the start. then it went pear shape. theyve had plenty of time to make things, atleast, look like theyre going in the right direction.
lets see if cameron can fulfill on his promises.

hey atleast well have an ENGLISH prime minister! first time in a while! brown can go back across the border and join his own REAL parliament. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was living in the UK when Labour got in & there was a real buzz that things were going to change.

Maybe they did, maybe they didnt… maybe they changed & stayed the same as they would have done under another Government… But 13years or whatever is enough to make anyone want a change.

Its cyclical.

I hope the new B astards are not as bad as the old B astards for yiz! :hehe:

Just a bit of light humour i found :slight_smile:

[quote]roben (12/05/2010)[hr]I was actually wondering whether it’s going to turn into another decade of riots and yuppies!?[/quote]

Yeah - I heard Cameron wants to put Cagney & Lacey, Max Headroom & Roland the Rat back on TV.

Time to start protesting!

[quote]roben (12/05/2010)[hr]Just a bit of light humour i found :slight_smile:


Columbia will be glad of the return of the Yuppie! :wink:

Yeah i was thinking recently I could do with a new Rolex!

I sincerely hope that the advance of the Columbian Brothers will not force the Brazillians to retreat & leave us with the 1980’s Old Skool Bush.

Nooooo!!! Bring back Labour!!

Roben, you’re brave putting up a post about politics!

Anyway, it’s the best news i’ve heard!  Least now that labour has gone your net pay won’t go down next year like they planned!  George Osborne is revoking that in the next budget which will be out in June :wink:

[quote]d’ coak (12/05/2010)[hr]Roben, you’re brave putting up a post about politics!


Yeah that’s what I was thinking, especially in these forums!!

So, this God fella, what’s that all about? (NOTE - PLEASE DO NOT START DEBATING RELIGION, THAT WAS A JOKE!)

My personal opinion is that I couldn’t care who’s in power in the UK as I moved from there years ago and I’m never going back (to live)!! I will however be back for a visit at xmas time, so as long as the new government hasn’t closed all the pubs, I think I’ll be fine :slight_smile:

[quote][b]bouffont so as long as the new government hasn’t closed all the pubs, [/quote]

Damn don’t give them any ideas :stuck_out_tongue:

id put my opinion in but dont know anything about uk politics. i do follow politics here in the states

personally for my own circumstances labour where and still are the only party to vote for. as much as they did wrong they also did something things good, especially for young working families.

no party could have done anything about immigration and still can’t with out pulling out of the EU which in itself would put our economy in deeper crap.

no government could have prevented the crash in our economy, this was a world crash and not just the UK.

personally i don’t think people lost faith in Labour but more lost faith in the PM.

imho if you are a working family or working for minimum wage then the next 5 years are gonna be hard.

for me at least if money gets any tighter me and my family are screwed in our current situation.

Jon I do agree with you, only the Labour party had completely lost its way when Blair became leader and got into bed with Bush.

But yeah most goverments have changed leadership since the recession as people will blame the current goverment. Also no goverment can pull us out of a recession as the ecomomy is based on so many fragile factors (ie gambling) so it could go either way.

Having been a young adult during the thacher years I am pretty weary of the coalition but do hope the Liberals keep things in check

Well from what I gathered the Conservatives looked after the Rich people, Labour looked after the Poor and Liberal Democrats were a happy medium.

However with the Conservatives being in power alongside the Liberal Democrats I have to admit i’m anxious to see what happens, if things get better, worse or if they stay the same. I am comforted by the fact that the Lib Dems also have a say about what happens and it isn’t all left in the hands of the Conservatives.

I do however feel that surely it can’t get any worse than it already is, but then I’m mearly going on how bad our ecconemy is right now. 1 in 4 people are unemployed, probably not helped by the fact that we’ve let so many foreigners in who’ve taken a lot of our jobs, or the fact that Conservative when they were last in power sold nearly all our worth to foreign countries.

Apart from that, I don’t really know anything about politics, all i know is that things need shaping up.

[quote]jon_fisher (12/05/2010)[hr]
no party could have done anything about immigration and still can’t with out pulling out of the EU which in itself would put our economy in deeper crap.
[/quote]not too sure about that one jon… lol

Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser

The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.

He said Labour’s relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to “open up the UK to mass migration” but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its “core working class vote”.

Critics said the revelations showed a “conspiracy” within Government to impose mass immigration for “cynical” political reasons.