Sup homies

Word up from the U, S of A

**** off from Europe :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]ICN (30/07/2011)[hr]**** off from Europe :P[/quote]

nice hahah a.

well hope u have fun in US dude.

Are you fat yet Roben

or HIV + … on crack? :slight_smile:

[quote]ICN (31/07/2011)[hr]or HIV + … on crack? :)[/quote]

Thought he was before he left

Thats just wrong Slender inferring that he went to the US to infect people with AIDS.

lmao every reply was a classic. nice work guys

[quote]jpgetty2win (31/07/2011)[hr]lmao every reply was a classic. nice work guys[/quote]

We try our best

Think i’m in better shape than when I came out here actually haha.

Cos not only am i teaching audio production to the kids i also run two thai kickboxing classes daily so it keeps me pretty fit.

oh oh ohhhh…

I ran up the Rocky film steps at the art museum in Philly, go me :slight_smile:

Don’t care :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]slender (31/07/2011)[hr]Don’t care :P[/quote] LOL

+1,000 000000000000000000000000

Bag o’sh!te

Blow me :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]Roben (01/08/2011)[hr]Blow me :P[/quote]

Do you miss those two sweet words - don’t worry your job in Brighton will still be there when you get back :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s been a while :smiley:

[quote]Roben (02/08/2011)[hr]It’s been a while :D[/quote]

No worries jetty’s been working bent over backwards to take up the slack :wink:

Have you been to Paddys bar in Philly yet?

[quote]Bouffont (03/08/2011)[hr]Have you been to Paddys bar in Philly yet?


Nope but I hear he loves Venture Inn :stuck_out_tongue:

The Blue Oyster in Philly was ‘very’ friendly.

They said they love imported goods