A lot of Tech House (and even Deep House) I hear tends to mostly ride on the drums, kick and bassline during the main sections, when I try to do this myself I find it doesn’t quite sound right and always sounds like ‘something is missing’, so I usually end up putting chords in there or something, but then that takes it away from the great groove of the drums and bassline. I can’t quite work out how it is people are doing it and it stays interesting throughout?br
For example, listen to this for one example: br
iframe width=“420” height=“315” src=“//www.youtube.com/embed/UfOIz3q6RkA” frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen/iframebr
iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=“//www.youtube.com/embed/DclmLbCeFuc” frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen/iframebr
I really like how the chords and everything comes in during the breaks but then the main sections are just drums, groove and bassline.br
I’m kind of struggling to nail it and having it all sound natural.br
Any tips / tricks / ideas?br
Take a listen to something I’m working on for example:br
With chord it seems sound more ‘complete’:br
a href=“Zippyshare.com -” target=“_blank” class=“zippyshare_link"sample1.wav/abr
Without chords, i’ve also added the shaker to help more, but still it sounds like it’s lacking something?br
a href=“Zippyshare.com -” target=”_blank" class="zippyshare_link"sample2.wav/abr
The tracks you have posted had a drum pattern more complete and filled compared to the sample you put. You should put more hats pattern or other sounds.br
In addition, there is also more atmosphere created by other sounds in the background that make the track less repetitive. This atmosphere is created with great reverb which filled the track.br
You can also put more reverb on you sound (hats and snare). There is also more low end on the other track.br
Hey Rob br
Have you tried mixing a dry unprocessed version of your drums with a wet processed (verb, slight delay, other plugs added for taste) version. Just add your plugs to the the drum group channel. Then group the plugs duplicate the group and delete the plugs from the second duplicate. Now you have wet and dry version. Just use the volume control on the wet one to mix the two to your taste.
Thanks for the tips guys, much appreciated! I’ve given them a go actually, I like the duel group idea, it’s really opened it up a lot actually. Added a bit more bass too.br
The guys at SA tweeted me to say they’ll be doing a Tech Tip on Friday so looking forward to checking that out!
Parallel compression should work for what you’re aiming for.br
Also, the stab you are using in the break. One stab on the first beat of the kick with a good delay (or even 2 kinds of delays; seen tips around for that practice) should make it more interesting as well.br
Your Disco Slice example makes use of lots of reverb and delay that come from the break and go on for some time after the drop.br
The Slam remix compresses things differently from what you’ve done. Aside from the more prominent percussion claps. You get an idea of it in the break around 2m mark.br
The difference in wave pattern shows it more or less.br