Tech house tut

Hi Phil,

I was trying to create a rizer like the one in the last Tech house tut. I dont have the Aether Reverb Plugin that you use but I do have all the waves and the Ableton reverbs. I cannot seem to find “Infinity time” on any of my reverbs and I’m having trouble creating that long tail. Freeze wont work in the same way. I could add a long ping pong delay to the reverb or something but that doesn’t really get the same effect.

Is there an easier way or can you suggest something?


Any thing really that creates a long tail you can then loop really easy in simpler… you should also check out the tech tip 74 Kt Granular… free grain plugin that lets you extend tails and such.

Also stumbled on the free ambience plug when I was reading an issue of futuremusic. There is a hold button in it that you can automate.

Thanks for the reply. I will check both suggestions out 2nite. :slight_smile: