Tech Tips - Tech Tips Volume 87 with Protoculture / 1628

Tech Tips Volume 87 with Protoculture

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Welcome to Tech Tips Volume 87! This week Protoculture is sharing a some vital tips and tricks when layering your sounds.

Layering can achieve awesome results when creating new sounds and grooves, but it can also cause some major headaches when it comes to mixing down your track. Quite simply, the more layers and sounds you have, the harder it will be to get your mix right.

In these tutorials Nate takes an in-depth look at best practices when layering sounds and beats so that they work well in your mix and get the results your after.

Check it out!

Some really great stuff here Nate. Thank for sharing.

One thing I’ve founding Bitwig is that the EQ+ to can cause a slight time shift.

Do you think that might cause problems when doing things like in the bass mid-Side EQ trick, or is it really quite negligible?

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Such a great tutorial. Thanks a lot for sharing.

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Great Content. Thanks

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Welcome aboard on the forums & thanks for your comment ! :sunglasses:

Great content! Only, a lot does not exist in ableton. For instance, how do I use the Rise & Fall Sidechain there? I tried to configure it in ableton, without success. There is a tool called Fast Rise & Fall, but it’s used for something else i think. Any suggestions?

Yeah, so each DAW will have their own tools, Bitwig is super charged with tools and modulators, with Live I believe you could achieve this with audio side-chain and using a Compressor or Gate Device.

The 3rd party VST Shaper Bow from Cable guys is also a very useful plugin and I believe there’s also Max For Live devices that could do the same thing as this Bitwig tool.

But check this video from Ableton showing what’s possible in the box with Live Compressors and Gate devices.

Hope this helps !

Cheers :sunglasses: