Tech Tips - Tech Tips Volume 96 / 1867

Tech Tips Volume 96

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It’s a new year, and we’re kicking things off in style with a new set of Tech Tips from Protoculture!

In these ten new tips, Nate uses the DAW to do a lot of heavy lifting by generating epic evolving drones and melodies perfect for ambient music and background atmospheres in your tracks.

Using Bitwig’s powerful modulators and Polygrid functions, we create seemingly complex patches and pleasing synth sound designs. Once we throw them into huge reverbs and delays, the outcome is mind-blowing!

Although these tips showcase Bitwig’s capabilities, if you have access to LFOs, many of the ideas generated here can be replicated across different DAWs. The possibilities are endless, and as Nate shows, it’s just a case of experimenting and having fun!

Check it out!

It’s so much fun working on stuff like this.

Ambient Takeover confirmed?

The next Takeover event will be Tech House :sunglasses:

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Great course but whoever edited it went wayyy overboard with cutting stuff out. It’s missing specific clicks he makes and midi notes in clips and steps for lfos he’s added. Why do this? He also mentioned a few times ‘for the sake of time’ too like you had him on time constraints. What’s the rush?

The tech tips are generally shorter more digestible segments… I’ve got a full length course on the way which covers everything in more detail.

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Thanks Nate again for this very useful TechTips. It helps a lot.

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