Good morning friends, I have a big doubt, the video is very well explained, very cool, but when I just set up my TEMPLATE, and I’ll add my battery, an example: mount the kick, he does not appear in BUS 20, ja tried everything, everything that I refer to channels of BUS not working, what can I be doing wrong? Thank you, LOVE the site you …
I think I found, I put the channels in the BUS INPUT and worked, and that just because I’m using the MAC? And the bus to work I need to put the MAC on input?
HELP please…
Will try my best to answer your post, but not fully understanding the problem. If I am not answering correctly, post more details, if you can. To send your drums to and create drum buss, first insert your ‘battery’ softsynth as you would normally ie. on a software instrument channel. Then in the sends section of the channel strip select a bus number you want to send the drums to. This will automatically create the bus channel strip. You can rename the channel stip by double clicking on the name at the bottom (aux 1). Your drums should now be playing through both channels - you have effectively split the signal. Now on the software channel strip click on the ‘stereo out’ to get the drop down menu and select ‘no output’. Now the drums should only be playing back through the drum bus. br
Hope that helps br
Thanks for your patience Chris, did all the Squatters Course Template, but when I’m riding my battery, piece by piece, the Kick ja not recognize the guy, do not leave any noise, I’m just doing it with a Mac and a box , sometimes with headset. I’ll try to send a picture to give you a look at my template! Thank you for your patience, I’m loving the site!! Hugs!br
have you enabled multiple outputs in battery?
I can’t see your battery softsynth on this screen grab, but I can see Audio 8 sending to Bus 20, Bus 20 is now appearing on AUX 1. Select bus 20 on the input of Aux (should have appeared automatically). I think you are trying to create a bus on an audio channel (audio 2 it looks like) rather that on an aux channel.
hey man,br
I had the same problem I think. I didnt get any sound of any of the buses. It was driving me nuts br
I don’t know if this is the answer you are looking for but this is how I did it:br
I created one new audiotrack. Opened the mixer, then created 10 new auxiliry channels and started rename them and renamed the buses to 20 upwards. Then I created another audiotrack and send it to the bus I wanted and it worked!br
Thank you, problem solved, I did what you told me, thanks for your patience Chris!
Thank you all for your patience, problem solved, I made the tips that Chris said …
No worries, glad to be of