How much do you think I could get for my Technic 1210 mk2’s?
I need some cash and they’re collecting dust, but then at the same time if the money isn’t good then I won’t get rid of them because they’re kinda sentimental lol.
Also how much do you think i could flog a DJM 600 for?
you’ll be lucky to get much for them mate, £300 or £400 for the pair max I’d say, thats why I havent sold mine yet, not worth it.
dunno about the DJM
Screw that, would never flog them for that much!
Nooooooooo don’t do it! You may regret it one day
Never sell your Technics, one day they will be worth a lot and you will regret getting rid of them.
The DJM600 - you should get £300 ish for that, probably not more though. Are you thinking about the 900 nexus?
Yeah i want the 900, mostly because of the midi control capability. I want to go digital.
Well , don’t sell your good gear . From what I’ve seen prices skyrocket in time. Since it got discontinued, you would make a big profit if you are patient (i’m talking about the 1210s i’m not into pioneer mixers )
I sold my 1210’s (MKII) and DJ600 about 4 years ago, with a pair of Wharfedale Diamond Pro Active 8.2 speakers for 900 quid…i know that’s not much use to you price wise, but it is one of the biggest regrets of my life!!!
I had to sell them to pay for my plane ticket over to Oz so had no choice really. I now have about 20 grands worth of vinyl gathering dust in storage somewhere back in the UK! I’m seriously tempted to buy another pair but it would cost me a fortune to get all my vinyl sent over.
Tbh id opt to keep em and give em to your kids, who knows what they will be worth in 100 years time…
I could really see Roben as an old man on the Antiques Roadshow…
[quote]jjdejong0 (15/03/2011)[hr]Tbh id opt to keep em and give em to your kids, who knows what they will be worth in 100 years time…
+1 on this!
[quote]TheAnt (15/03/2011)[hr][quote]jjdejong0 (15/03/2011)[hr]Tbh id opt to keep em and give em to your kids, who knows what they will be worth in 100 years time…
+1 on this![/quote]
Thats what I have done plus my vast vast record collection dating back to 1978 - but I ain’t going to tell you what the first album I ever bought was
I think your lying slender i think your record collection dates back to late 80’s early 90’s mabey, i have a sneaky suspicion that this was the first record you boaght…
Jan I am probably a lot older than you think I am
…and yes I should know better before you post
[quote]slender (15/03/2011)[hr]Jan I am probably a lot older than you think I am
Slender gets now gets a Carbon-14 dating kit with his Birthday cards.
Last year, they tried to cut him in half to count the rings. He didnt like the sound of a core sample either :)