Techno Confused dot Com

Hi guys.

I have just been watching the new Techno tutorial (and it is very good btw), its excellent how you have added the sections with Simpler for those of us that don’t have sylenth and as I am one of a number of subscribers who had mentioned this issue in the past it is a personal thank you.

I’m just a little confused about the bass part lesson (with simpler) you took 2 bass samples, from the sylenth lesson, at keys of C1 and C2, these were then pitched down to C3 to play notes in the region of C1 and C2.

Is this correct or should the samples have just been left as they were, surely they were already appropriate to play in those regions? I only ask as I thought I must be missing something??

Great Videos anyway.


ok I get it, the samples are placed on C3 in Simpler… DOH!

lol yeah all samples by default will load into C3 on every sampler (well everyone i’ve ever used)

Hi Jon

shame there isn’t an opportunity to designate the root key (sure u can do this on the exs24 in logic??) do you think transposing the sample up and down in simpler alters the quality of the sound after at all?