Techno Remix Contest / 96

And the winners are…

1st Place : @MK9

2nd Place : @stefan30

3rd Place : @edc82

Congrats to the winners and all participants, stunning entries from everyone !! :+1: :fire:

Hey guys sorry I missed the stream, I thought the time was in pacific time… I saw the email but didn’t realize it was GMT so here I am tuning in at 7pm PST feeling stupid lol. Would’ve loved to be at the live stream and answer some questions and hear the announcement in real time.

Really grateful for this opportunity and had a blast doing the remix and learned a bunch from @Mac_Vaughn and his tutorials. Great experience that had me pushing boundaries and experimenting a new style that I’ve never tried.

The main synths are from Ableton Wavetable and also NI Pigments, those are the only 2 synths used in the track along with some effects to make them sound big, would love to play with Ana2 now :wink:

Looking forward to the next one, thanks guys!


Hey there @MK9

Thanks for chiming in and welcome to the forums BTW ! :sunglasses:

Ah yep, too bad you missed the stream, I’ll try to indicate both GMT and PT time in the reminder posts for the next time :wink:

Anyway, brilliant work and amazing track ! :sparkles: :fire:

Congrats again !! :+1: S.A team will be in touch with you and other winners soon.

Cheers !

Hi Sonic and Co, is there any option to share the submitted remix on my Soundcloud account? It would be so sad not to share with other… :headphones::wink::headphones::fire: Many thanks

Hi there @chris6

First off welcome to the forums ! :sunglasses:

Sorry but no, it’s not permitted to share your track outside of this Remix Contest as mentioned in Paragraph 8 from the Competition Rules.

Hey MK9! Unbelievable track! Congrats! Where can we hear some of your music? I’d love to hear some more of your productions. Did you make your track on Ableton? This was my first contest and I didn’t get my submission in on time. I learned a lot about wasting time, lol. I spent way too long on it and as the hours wore on the track got worse and worse. Anyway, congrats again!

Panax (Hannah!)

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