Techtip 14 - Create Hi-Hats with ARP - Ableton reapplied

Hey all,br
I tried to reapply Chris Hi-Hat Arp creation in Techtips 14 to Ableton Live. Generally this works as well, especially as you can record the Arp output on a new miditrack - you still can then edit there single hits, or bring the timing forward a little bit for more
Regarding getting a groove and dynamics - the Velocity midi tool gives you instant variations if you play with random,comp and Drive controls, and you can vary pitch as well. Also it allows to adjust the total dynamic range of the HH quickly, which is rather handy - br
Just if you don’t want a totally random but something more intended like “every 3rd hit loud, rest gentle” - can you get such in Ableton like in Logic? Or would you need to go the MIDI clip and adjust there manually?br
Cheers, T.