Hi guys,
i am just doing up a new testimonials page - i have a bunch of them from the Sonic Successes post stickied above, but just seeing if any newcomers or anyone else wants to share their story of how Sonic has helped improve their production skilz.
and if you have a track i can get a soundcloud link to etc. even better!
Sure, just sent you a PM
[quote]MOZZATRON (05/12/2012)[hr]Sure, just sent you a PM[/quote]
got a few pm’s - thanks!
anyone else interested?
Sorry was a bit late getting back to you on this mate, are you still after some or is it too late now?
[quote]Roben (09/12/2012)[hr]Sorry was a bit late getting back to you on this mate, are you still after some or is it too late now?[/quote]
go for it